
The Commodity Division represents the commodity interests of Farm Bureau’s farmer members to further increase the production, promotion, and marketing of agricultural commodities with the goal of increasing net farm income. The Division works with various KFB commodity committees and acts as a liaison with other commodity organizations or groups interested in the state’s agricultural industry.
Kentucky Farm Bureau Beef Tour
The 2025 Kentucky Farm Bureau Beef Tour will be held in Louisiana in April of 2025. This will be a great opportunity for Kentucky Farm Bureau members to tour successful livestock and agricultural operations and to enjoy some fun activities along the way. We expect a high level of member interest in this tour.
Applications for this tour are now closed.
Vehicle Regulation
Farm Vehicle Regulations Booklet
Your single source of information about state and federal laws and regulations governing farm vehicles traveling on the state's roads.
If you are interested in receiving a copy of this booklet, please click the printable pdf below or contact Kyle Kelly at or call 502-495-5000 ext. 7417.
Farmer of the Year
For many years, Kentucky Farm Bureau has given farmers the opportunity to gain recognition for their hard work and knowledge about agriculture through participation in our young farmer contests. Back in 2006, we began a recognition program for farmers of all ages called the Farmer of the Year award. This program rewards farmers for their commitment to excellence in the agriculture industry and their efficiency in farming practices, sound financial management, and leadership in civic organizations.
There are many innovative and successful farmers in Kentucky and this awards program seeks to recognize them for their outstanding farming operations and leadership in our industry. We appreciate your help in recruiting farmers for this contest. If you have any questions about the Farmer of the Year contest or would like to nominate someone for this award, please do not hesitate to contact Renee Carrico, Commodity Division Director at (502) 495-5000. You can access the application for the 2025 Farmer of the Year by clicking the link below. Applications are due by April 18, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET.
2025 KFB Farmer of the Year Application
Black Vulture Depredation Permits
Kentucky Farm Bureau has received a statewide depredation permit that allows for a limited number of black vulture “takes” where black vultures are depredating on livestock. Livestock producers who are experiencing depredation may apply for a Livestock Protection depredation sub-permit that if approved will allow producers to protect livestock against black vulture attacks. This program allows for takes of black vultures or incidental takes of turkey vultures only. No other protected migratory bird species is authorized to be taken under this program.
All applications and reports will be made direct to Fran McCall, Commodity Specialist, either by email at or by phone at 502-495-5000.
Applications must be fully completed, signed, and dated by the livestock producer with the applicant agreeing to the terms and conditions of the original statewide depredation permit. Applications must be returned for consideration to the Commodity Division. Because of the limited number of “takes” Kentucky Farm Bureau is issued, all applications will be considered based on past livestock losses, number of livestock on the applicant’s farming operation, number of black vulture roosts, and approximate number of birds in the immediate vicinity.
Producers cannot be issued a depredation permit by USFWS and apply for and be approved for a KFBF depredation sub-permit. Any livestock producer experiencing severe depredation from black vultures is encouraged to apply for an individual migratory bird depredation permit from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and/or work with USDA APHIS Wildlife Services (WS) to address their specific situation.
Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit Process
2024 - 2025 Black Vulture Depredation Sub-Permit Application